LG Electronics 50PQ10 Flat Panel Television User Manual

CCoolloouurr TTeemmppeerraattuurree
Choose one of three automatic colour adjustments. Set to warm to
enhance hotter colours such as red, or set to cool to see less
intense colours with more blue.
DDyynnaammiicc CCoonnttrraasstt
Adjusts the contrast to keep it at the best level according to the brightness
of the screen. The resolution of gradation is improved by making bright
parts brighter and dark parts darker. This feature refers to dynamic contrast,
and enhances the feeling of presence that contrast controls are intended to
give by using dimming and other input signals.
DDyynnaammiicc CCoolloouurr
Adjusts screen colours so that they look livelier, richer and clearer. This
feature enhances hue, saturation and luminance so that red, blue, green
and white look more vivid.
NNooiissee RReedduuccttiioonn
Reduces screen noise without compromising video quality. This feature
is also used to reduce recursive noise and MPEG noise
BBllaacckk LLeevveell
Low :
The picture of the screen gets darker.
• High:
The picture of the screen gets brighter.
Auto : Realizing the black level of the screen and set it to High or Low
Makes dark parts on the screen look darker.
Set black level of the screen to proper level.
This function works in the following mode: AV (NTSC-M), HDMI or
Component .
This function enables to select “Low” or “High” in the following
mode : AV(NTSC-M), HDMI or Component. Otherwise, “Black level”
is set to “Auto”.
FFiillmm MMooddee
Makes video clips recorded in film look more natural.
This feature operates only in TV, AV and Component
480i/576i/1080i mode.
CCoolloouurr GGaammuutt
Change the colour gamut of the output image.
Wide: Express rich colour tones using the maximum colour gamut available
in the TV regardless of the input image.
Standard: Express accurate colour tones by changing the colour gamut to
meet international standards based on the input image data
EEddggee EEnnhhaanncceerr
Show clearer and distinctive yet natural corners of the video.
Emphasizes the frames of the video without over peaking.
You can adjust brightness of dark area and middle gray level area of the
Low : Make dark and middle gray level area of the picture brighten.
• Medium: Express original picture gradation.
• High: Make dark and middle gray level area of the picture darken.
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