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Parental lock
You can select and set various security options to prevent unauthorised use
of the TV set and to protect your children from unsuitable programmes.
Defining the access code ( PIN)
MENU: Call TV menu.
Select Settings,
go to the menu line below.
Select Parental lock,
go to the menu line below.
Define a four digit access code (PIN) the first time
you open it. The numbers appear in plain text. Note
the access code (PIN) well.
OK Confirm the access code (PIN).
The Parental lock menu is opened.
The four-digit access code (PIN) must be entered when
the parental lock is opened in future. It appears encrypted
(****) when entering for security reasons.
Code number
The code number cancels all entered PINs. It can be used for example if
you have forgotten your PIN. You will find a note about the code number
on page 145. Remove this from the manual and keep it in a safe place.
Explanations of setting possibilities in the Parental lock menu:
The TV set is locked immediately the menu is exited. All
programmes can then only be watched after entering the
access code. The lock can be activated both Immediately
and for a Daily defined period.
The lock remains active until it is switched off in the menu.
You can lock / unlock individual or all of the stations in
the station list specifically.
The lock remains active until it is switched off in the menu.
Some DVB stations also broadcast an age classification.
If the age set here is below the broadcast age limit, the
programme can only be watched after entering the ac-
cess code.
You can change your access code at any time. Enter the
new access code in place of the old one.
All set parental locks (locked stations, age-dependent
locks, locked films in the DR archive) are cancelled. The
current secret code is deleted. When the parental lock is
reactivated all the previous parental locks are set again
All currently set parental locks are finally cancelled. The
secret code is deleted.
Protection of minors for CI Plus programmes
Youth-protected broadcasts of programme providers with CI Plus
encoding possibly require you to enter the secret number (PIN) of the
CA module.
We recommend selecting the secret number of the TV set according to
the secret number of the CA module, since the secret number of the CA
module cannot be changed. This means that you must only remember
one secret number.
Lock single stations Age-related lock
Parental lock
Lock all stations
Immediately ...
Parental lock
Access code
Please enter PIN
Other settings
Lock all
Lock single
access code
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