with the arrow up/arrow down keys, and once
you have pressed the Ok key, the recorder
software shall ask you: `Start recording?´
Make sure to select `Yes´ and press the Ok key to
begin recording the video to the hard-drive.
(Pressing the Exit key or selecting `No´ would
return you to the Record Menu.)
If you have accidentally selected an already used
storage bank, the system will warn you about it.
To end the recording, press the `Stop´ key
so that the note `Stop recording?´ appears.
The recording is only stopped once you have
actually conrmed this question by pressing the
`Ok´ key or by again pressing the `Stop´ key.
Note: The two messages `Start recording?´ and
´Stop recording?´ have another meaning than
just security – namely to determine the exact
start and end of the recording.
Alternatively, the recording can also be stopped
by pressing the Play key. After answering
the screen message, the recorded footage is
immediately played back.
Note: Please note that due to technical reasons,
there is a signicant delay between the
recording (processing) the video stream and the
actual playback of the footage on the screen.
When starting or ending a recording, you should
pay attention NOT to the monitor screen of the
HDV-recorder but to the control picture of the
7.3 The Playback Menu
In this menu, which can be accessed also (if no
other menu is activated) by pressing the Play
key, you can playback the already recorded
video material from the hard-drive.
The Playback Menu shows all thirty storage
banks. You can only select those that are used
To play, select a bank and press the Ok key. The
video is now played. At the end of the video, it is
automatically started again.
Alternatively, you can play all lms in one go,
after each other. To do this, press the menu item
`Play all lms´ and start playback be pressing the
Ok key. At the end of the last video, the system
starts playing the rst video again.
During playback, you can pause the video
by pressing the Pause key. You can also
slow it down by pressing the Slow key. Use
FastForward to fast forward the video and
FastRewind to quickly rewind the video.
Pressing the Pause, Slow, FastForward or
FastRewind key again or pressing the Play key
again continues to play the video at regular
To quit playback, press the Stop key and conrm
the screen text `Stop replay?´ by selecting `Yes´
or by again pressing the Stop key.