Optimus 16-422 CRT Television User Manual

Dirty video heads cause the playback picture to blur, even if the recorded signal is clear. However,
video head cleaning is a delicate operation that requires a trained technician. For more head cleaning
information, contact your local RadioShack store.
Have the video heads cleaned only when picture quality is affected.
Your TV/VCR has an automatic degaussing circuit. The circuit functions each time you turn the pow-
er off. However, strong magnetism from nearby appliances might affect the TV/VCR’s picture. If
this happens, turn the power off for 1 minute, then turn it back on. If the TV/VCR’s picture is still
affected, move the TV/VCR away from the appliance.
16-421.fm Page 35 Tuesday, July 20, 1999 12:01 PM