Sylvania SMPK4099 DVD Player User Manual

Operation of Radio Mode
Press Previous/ Next to select “Radio” on the main menu
and press Play/ Pause to enter the radio menu
Radio Sub-menu
Hold M to enter the sub-menu and press Previous/ Next
to choose from FM record/ Record quality/ Record Gain/
Save Channel/ Auto search/ Station List/ FM Band.
FM record: Press Previous/ Next to choose FM record
and press Play/ Pause to confirm. Once you selected the
option, the player will start recording the radio. Press Play/
Pause again to pause the recording and hold M to save
the file.
Record quality: Press Play/ Pause to enter this option and
choose from High/ Medium/ Low.
Record Gain: Press Play/ Pause to choose from 1-7 and
press Play/ Pause again to confirm.
Save Channel: Press Previous/ Next to choose save
channel and press Play/ Pause to confirm. Select a
channel from CH01-CH30 and press Play/ Pause to save
the current channel.
Auto Search: Press Previous/ Next to choose anto search
and press Play/ Pause to confirm. Press Play/ Pause
button to start searching the channel and preset channel