Panasonic TX-22LT2 Flat Panel Television User Manual

Tuning menu
Shipping condition
Shipping condition allows you to reset the TV to its original condition, i. e. no channels tuned in.
This is useful, for example, if you move to a different area when you will probably want the TV to tune itself to
your new local stations.
This can be done either through the Shipping condition menu or through the Auto setup menu.
The Shipping condition menu will reset all data, Clearing all tuning information and resetting all control levels
back to factory setting.
You may need to adjust your VCR or programme position 0 VCR after operating the Shipping condition menu
- refer to page 31.
1 Press
2 Move to chosen Tuning menu option by using or .
3 Access Tuning menu by using or .
4 Move to chosen menu option by using or .
5 Access Shipping condition by using or .
6 Press the
key twice.
A confirmation message is displayed twice.
Press the
key a third time, and all the tuning data will be cleared into the
default setting.
at any time to go back to watching TV.
STR : Start
TV/AV : To exit
SETUP : Return to tuning menu
All tuning data will be erased
Shipping condition
STR : Start
TV/AV : To exit
SETUP : Return to tuning menu
All tuning data will be erased
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Shipping condition