Precor P/N 300753-201 Projection Television User Manual

Starting a Workout 35
To enter personal data:
1. On the Welcome screen, press Programs, then Enter.
2. Press the Input keys to change the default value.
3. Press Enter. The weight input screen displays. Press the
Input keys to change the default value.
4. Press Enter. The age input screen displays. Press the
Input keys to change the default value.
5. Press GO or Enter to begin your workout.
The equipment counts down and 1, 2, 3 display on the
screen. The words STARTING WORKOUT scroll in the
lower text display.
Terminating Data Entry
There are several ways to terminate data entry depending on
the type of equipment.
TIMEOUT: If a key is not pressed for more than 30 seconds,
you are returned to the Welcome screen.
RESET: If Reset is pressed before beginning the workout, you
are returned to the Welcome screen. During a workout, press
Reset once to see the Summary screen and twice to return to
the Welcome screen. On the treadmill, press Pause/Reset
once to pause the workout, twice to see the Summary screen,
and three times to return to the Welcome screen.
GO: Press GO to begin a selected exercise program. Data
entry is bypassed and default values are used.
ENTER: Normally, Enter is pressed then the displayed value is
accepted. If there is more data to enter, then the user is
prompted for that data. If there is no more data to enter, the
selected program is started using the previously entered data
for workout Duration, Weight, and Age.
Pausing and Restarting an Exercise Session
When you interrupt a workout, the equipment responds in
one of two ways, depending on how it is powered.