RSA Security 5 Projection Television User Manual

Chapter 2 Algorithm Info Types 61
an A_ EC_ PA RA MS structure:
Format of info returned by B_GetAlgorithmInfo:
B_GetAlgorithmInfo is not supported with this AI. If called, it will return an error.
Crypto-C procedures to use with algorithm object:
B_BuildTableInit and B_BuildTableFinal.
Algorithm methods to include in application’s algorithm chooser:
for even characteristic.
Output Considerations:
The size of the accelerator table may be found through a call to
B_BuildTableGetBufSize after a call to B_BuildTableInit.
typedef struct {
unsigned int version; /* implementation version */
unsigned int fieldType; /* indicates type of base field */
ITEM fieldInfo; /* It is the prime number */
/* if fieldType = FT_FP; */
/* the basis polynomial if fieldType = FT_F2_POLYNOMIAL; */
/* and the degree of the field if fieldType = FT_F2_ONB */
ITEM coeffA; /* elliptic curve coefficient */
ITEM coeffB; /* elliptic curve coefficient */
ITEM base; /* elliptic curve group generator */
ITEM order; /* order of subgroup’s generating element */
ITEM cofactor; /* the cofactor of the subgroup */
unsigned int pointRepresentation; /* not used. */
/* set to CI_NO_COMPRESS as a default */
unsigned int fieldElementBits; /* field element size in bits */