Samsung TXM 3298HF CRT Television User Manual

Press the CH button to
select the “TV guide-
lines”, then press the VOL
+ button.
The “TV guidelines”
screen will appear.
Press the CH , CH
buttons to select one of
the six age-based cate-
TV-Y Young children
TV-Y7 Children 7 and over
TV-G General audience
TV-PG Parent Guidance
TV-14 Viewers 14 and over
TV-MA Mature audience
At this point, one of the TV-Ratings is selected (blue color).
Press the VOL+ button: Depending on your existing setup, a letter “U” or “B” will start blinking.
(U= Unblocked, B= Blocked)
While the “U” or ”B” is red, press the CH or CH button to block or unblock the category.
Press the MENU button once to save the TV guidelines. A TV-Rating will be selected (BLUE), and no letters
will blink. To exit this screen, press the MENU button again. To select a different TV-Rating, press the CH
or CH button and then repeat the process.
Note 1: The TV-Y7, TV-PG, TV-14 and TV-MA have additional options. See the next step to change
any of the following sub-ratings:
FV: Fantasy violence
D: Dialog
L: Adult language
S: Sexual situation
V: Violence
Note 2: The V-Chip will automatically block certain categories that are “more restrictive.” For example, if
you block “TV-Y” category, then TV-Y7 will automatically be blocked. Similarly, if you block the TV-G catego-
ry, then all the categories in the “young adult” group will be blocked (TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14 and TV-MA). The
sub-ratings (D, L, S, V) work together similarly. (See next section.)
Note: These categories consist of
two separate groups: TV-Y and TV-Y7
(young children through age 7), and
TV-G through TV-MA (everybody
The restrictions for these two groups
work independently: If a household
includes very young children as well
as young adults, the TV guidelines
must be set up separately for each age
group. (See next step.)