User Manual
For more information on support media, refer to the table below.
DVD-R Maker CD-R Maker
Mitsubishi (16x recommended) Mitsubishi (16x recommended)
TDK (16x recommended) TDK (16x recommended)
Imation (16x recommended) Imation (16x recommended)
Sony (16x recommended) Sony (16x recommended)
5.3.2 RE4
You can back up videos using HDD or USB storage. You can play them using the mini player or
network manager.
Select the channel field and use the [Enter] button or the mouse wheel to
open the channel list as shown below.
[SVR-3200] [SVR-1680C/1660C/1645] [SVR-960C/945] [SVR-480]
: Select RE4. Use the up or down arrow key or the mouse wheel to
select it.
: Select the channel field and press the [Enter] button or use the
mouse wheel to pop up the channel list.
Select Channel
: You can select some or all of the channels. Select a channel on the
channel list and press the [Enter] button or left-click.
: Enter a start date and time for copying. Use the up or down arrow key
or the mouse wheel to set a value.
: Enter the final date and time for copying. Use the up or down arrow
key or the mouse wheel to set a value.
Select Disk
: Select a media to copy. Select the Select Disk field and press the