Relative manuals
Besides this “Installation and Maintenance Manual”, the following manuals are
• Operation Manual (Supplied with the VTR or the BKDW-515)
This manual is necessary for application and operation of the VTR.
• Installation Manual (Supplied with the VTR)
This manual describes the items are required to install the VTR and its peripherals.
If the BKDW-514 control panel is used, refer to this manual.
• Maintenance Manual Part 1 (Supplied with the VTR)
This manual describes the periodic maintenance and servicing information
necessary for the principal block and board replacement.
• Maintenance Manual Part 2 (available on request)
These manuals describes detailed information necessary for general parts replace-
ment and includes alignments, schematic diagrams, board layouts, detailed parts
list, etc.
Please contact the Sony service organization to obtain a copy of the manuals.
• Protocol Manual (available on request)
This Manual describes the protocol information necessary for controlling the VTR
via RS-422A (9-pin serial remote).