Sony KDL-37V55 Flat Panel Television User Manual

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Target Inputs Allows you to select whether to use the common settings or to make custom
settings for the input you are currently viewing.
Common Applies common settings to all inputs in which “Target
Inputs” is set to “Common”.
Name of current
input (e.g. AV1)
Allows you to make custom settings for the input.
Sound Mode Sets a sound mode. “Sound Mode” includes options best suited for video and
photographs, respectively. The options that can be selected differ depending on the
scene select settings.
Dynamic Enhances the treble and bass sounds.
Standard For standard sounds. Recommended for home entertainment.
Clear Voice Makes voice sound clearer.
Reset Resets all the “Sound” settings to the factory settings excluding “Target Inputs”,
“Sound Mode” and “Dual Sound”.
Treble Adjusts higher-pitched sounds.
Bass Adjusts lower-pitched sounds.
Balance Emphasises the left or right speaker.
Auto Volume Keeps volume level constant across all programmes and adverts (e.g. adverts tend
to be louder than programmes).
Volume Offset Adjusts the volume level of the current input relative to other inputs, when “Target
Inputs” is set to the current input name (e.g. AV1).
Surround Allows you to select the suitable surround effects depending on the genre of TV
programme (movie, sport, music, etc.) or video game.
The options that can be selected differ depending on the “Scene Select” settings.
Delivers surround effects that help you enjoy the virtual
multi-ch surround audio with just the two internal TV
Cinema Delivers surround effects just like the high-grade audio
systems found in movie theatres.
Music Delivers surround effects that make you feel like you are
surrounded by sound as in a music hall.
Sports Delivers surround effects that make you feel like you are
watching a live sports contest.
Game Delivers surround effects that enhance game sound.
Off Converts and reproduces multi-ch audio to 2ch audio. In the
case of other audio formats, the original audio is reproduced.
Voice Zoom Adjusts the sound level of human voices. For example, if the voice of a news
announcer is indistinct, you can turn up this setting to make the voice louder.
Conversely, if you are watching a sports programme, you can turn down this
setting to soften the voice of the commentator.
Sound Enhancer Enhances high-frequency sounds.
Sound Booster Produces a fuller sound for more impact, by emphasizing the treble and bass