The strictest quality standards
are observed when manu-
facturing the HD-Vision. To
achieve best picture results,
only selective panels, so-called best panels,
are used. TechniSat can therefore guaran-
tee a 100% pixel error-free picture on each
Combine all programs, irrespective of the
signal source, into only one programe list.
Call e.g. digital and analogue cable pro-
grams, digital satellite programs and pro-
grams you have received via the new digital
antenna television (DVB-T), conveniently by
means of one program list using only one
remote control.
With cable television for example analogue
private programs with free public programs,
which can only be received digitally.
You can also assign external signal sources,
such as HDMI or SCART to a specic pro-
gram memory in your program list.