Tote Vision LCD-1411TD Flat Panel Television User Manual

9. Optional DVD System Adcvanced Functions:
Audio Setup:
WhenseLectAudiosetup,press"UP<.>/DOWN<... >" buttonsto highLight
DoLbyDigitaLjDTS/SampLeFreq./DigitaLOutputseLection,then press"RIGHT<~ >"
button to enterthe setting,andthen press"UP<.>/DOWN<... >" buttonsagainto
highlightthe setting preferred,press"ENTER"button to confirmthe seLection.
TheOSDMenuwill changeasbeLowchart:
\;}'CY!;;~'~~r~'.;..~; r.15we . Select
'~iW:S;~:iMove... Setect
· DigitalOutput Setting
I -
;;'~~~~~~i~t_OY~ . Select
. Sample Freq. Setting
9. Optional DVDSystem Adcvanced Functions:
Lock Setup:
WhenselectLocksetup,press"UP<. >/DOWN<... >" buttonsto highlight
Rating/Password/CountryCodeseLection,then press"RIGHT<~ >" button to enterthe
setting, the OSDmenuwill requestto input the passwordfirst. Afterthe passwordis
enteredcorrectLy,the parentaLcontrolRatingLeveLcanbechanged.
* WhenpressingwrongcodebeforepressENTERbutton, press
LEFT<<III> button canclearthe wrongnemberandenter
the correctnumberagainto enterthe setting.
TheOSDMenuwill changeasbeLowchart:
* Afterpasswordis enteredsuccessfully,
pressUp<. >/Down<'"> button to
changethe parentaLcontroLrating
level.Includingthe UnLockLeveL,
therearetotaLof 9 Levelsin the
parentaLcontroLrating Levels.The
parentaLcontroLfunctionis onLy
vaLidafter the disceject.
*The Factory original Password Code is "1234". You
can use "1234" when you forget the new password.