Locate the brand name of your audio amplifier or receiver in the one of accompanying code lists at the end of this section. Write it in
the appropriate space below.
Audio Amplifier Brand: ________________________ or Audio Receiver Brand:__________________________
The brands are listed in alphabetical order with popular codes listed first. You will use one of these codes to program the Millennium
4 to operate your audio device:
1. Turn on the audio device.
2. On the Millennium 4, press AUDIO once. Press and hold SETUP until the LED blinks twice, then release SETUP.
3. Enter the first four-digit code for your audio device. If you perform this procedure correctly, the LED will blink twice.
NOTE: If the LED did not blink twice after entering the code’s last digit, then repeat steps 2 through 3 and try entering the same code again.
4. Aim the Millennium 4 at your audio device and press POWER once. The unit should turn off. If it does not respond, repeat steps
2-3, trying each code listed for your brand until you find one that works. If it still does not work, try searching for the code (see
Searching For Your Code on page 12).
5. For future reference, write your device’s code and type in the boxes and space below.
Device Type:________________________
NOTE: Remember, to use the Millennium 4 to operate your audio device, press AUDIO first.
Denon 0160
GE 0078
Harman/Kardon 0892
JVC 0331
Marantz 0892
Optimus 0395
Panasonic 0308
Philips 0892
Polk Audio 0892
Realistic 0395
Sony 0689
Soundesign 0078
Technics 0308
Victor 0331
Wards 0078
Yamaha 0354
ADC 0531
Adcom 0616
Aiwa 1405, 0121, 0405
Capetronic 0531
Carver 0008
Casio 0195
Clarinette 0195
Denon 1104, 1160
Garrard 0463
Harman/Kardon 0110, 0891
JBL 0110
JVC 0074
Kenwood 1313, 1027, 1570, 1569,
0186, 0077
Lloyd’s 0195
MCS 0039, 0346
Magnavox 0531, 0195, 0391
Marantz 0039
Modulaire 0195
Nakamichi 0097
Onkyo 0135
Optimus 1023, 0531, 0670, 0186,
Panasonic 1518, 0039
Penney 0195
Philips 1269,1120, 0391
Pioneer 1023, 0531, 0014, 0150,
Proscan 1254
Quasar 0039
RCA 1023, 1254, 0531, 0054, 0346
Realistic 0195
Sansui 0346
Sharp 0186
Sony 1058
Soundesign 0670
Sunfire 1313
Teac 0463
Technics 1308, 1309, 1518, 0039
Victor 0074
Wards 0014, 0054
Yamaha 0176, 1176, 0186
Yorx 0195
Zenith 0857
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