VBrick Systems EtherneTV-NXG 2 Home Theater Server User Manual

Automatic File Backup
The use of a dedicated drive 0 for the OS and VoD software benefits customers in two ways.
Firstly, OS patches or new VoD software updates only get applied to drive 0, leaving all the
content drives untouched. Secondly, both VoD servers use a mySQL database to index and
manage all video content and VoD configuration information. While this database is stored
on drive 0, each evening the system automatically backs up the database onto the RAID
drives. Should drive 0 fail, the database restore procedure uses this backup copy to rebuild
the database.
The Auto Backup feature is on by default and it is recommended that it be left on. However
if for some reason it is not required the following procedure should be used to turn this
feature off:
Note: If you get lost during editing hit “Esc” twice to leave edit mode. Hit “:” to return to
command mode.
Go to the NXG command line.
Type "crontab -e" at the command line; this puts you into an editor for the crontab
(the cron table). The editor is the "vi" editor.
Using the down arrow key, scroll down to the bottom of the file. A couple of lines up
from the bottom you will see two lines:
0 4 * * * /opt/vbricksetup/backup_mediabase_database
0 3 * * * /opt/vbricksetup/clear_old_mbdump_files
Cursor up to these lines and comment out this section by:
Hit the "i" key to go into insert mode
Type the "#" key in front of both these two line to comment them out
Hit <esc>, then ":" to go into command mode, then enter "wq" to save the changes and exit
the editor.
File Backup Cautions
Irrespective of the Auto Backup there are situations where the backup may not take place
soon enough after file ingestion. Therefore it is highly recommended that a separate copy of
the original content after ingestion be maintained for at least two days until the auto backups
are made.
License Key Re-Installation
The license is pre-installed on the server from the factory. You do not have to re-install this
license except for system restoration. Should you need to re-install the license, use the
following steps. A floppy disk is included that contains the license key for the EtherneTV-
NXG server. The key should be added to the /var/flexlm/license.dat file. If this file does not
exist then the file should be created in the specified path (/var/flexlm/). The following steps
will be used to make the floppy disk available to the Linux O/S:
From the root type: mkdir /floppy (enter)
Type: mount –t vfat /dev/fd0 /floppy (enter)
cd /floppy
You will now be able to copy the license file from the floppy to: /var/flexlm/license.dat
(NXG1) or /var/kasenna/license.dat (NXG2)