ViewSonic N3752w
The movie Ratings in the US are defined as following.
Use ENTER button to block or unblock the ratings, and use MENU to exit.
G General audience R Restricted
PG Parental guidance suggested NC-17 No one 17 and under limited
PG-13 Parents strongly cautioned X Adult audience only
Enter the new password, use ▼ to move the cursor down, and then enter the new password
again, press OK to confirm or Cancel to exit.
Note: Please make sure you remember your new password after changing. If the password
is forgotten or missing, please use the remote control to enter “8866” to clean the password
and reset a new one.
Clear All: To clear all the locks set before, press
The factory default of the password is “0000”.
To enable parental control, input the password, press ▼ button to focus on OK key, and
then press
ENTER. (Select Cancel if you want to exit.)
After entering, the following screen will be shown.
Press MENU to return to the previous page.
• V-Chip: Press ENTER, and the following screen appears.
V-Chip is transmitted from TV station to help parents monitor what their children watch.
According to the pre-set of factory, viewers can see all of the channels. However, setting
V-Chip can block the appointed channels.
Use ▲▼ to select your desired optional item, and press ENTER.
• Block MPAA Rating: To adjust movie blocking level in the US. You can select between
NONE, G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17, or X.