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(2.3) Text format
(1) Basic configuration as follows:
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Name Digit Contents Remarks
1) Text start code 1,2 01h-1Fh Data start code Normally 02h
2) Text 2 R# T.R.I. inquiry AU2700/5400
Classification RB Start of T.R.I. inquiry → Host
R_ * T.R.I. inquiry of
normal sample
RH T.R.I. inquiry of
rerun sample
RE End of T.R.I. inquiry
S# T.R.I. Host
S_ * T.R.I. of normal sample → AU2700/5400
SH T.R.I. of rerun sample
SE Stop of T.R.I. inquiry
D# Test result AU2700/5400
DB Start of transfer result → Host
D_ * Normal sample result
DH Rerun sample result
DR Reagent blank sample
DA Calibration result
d_ * Stat fast result(AU2700 Only)
Emergency fast result
(AU5400 Only)
dH Stat fast rerun result
(AU2700 Only)
Emergency fast rerun result
(AU5400 Only)
DQ QC sample result
DE End of result transfer
3) Unit No.
4) Text code Contents of Text
Data No. is added behind
text of Header parts.
5) text end code 1,2 01h-1Fh End of text code
6) BCC
(Block Check
1 00h-FFh The sum with the Exclusive
or logic between 2-5 and including
remarks * _ is space.