Management and Diagnostic Console
Current Status The current operating condition of the broadband link.
Fully operational. The broadband link is operational
(including connection to ISP and other services).
Initializing. The broadband link is preparing to connect.
Establishing link. The broadband link is connecting.
No physical link signal. No physical signal detected on the
broadband link.
Physical connection. The broadband link is connected.
Error. There is a broadband link error.
DSL Connection Details (for DSL models only)
DSL Line (Wire Pair) Line 1 (inner pair), Line 2 (outer pair), or Searching for DSL
signal. During installation, the 2Wire gateway auto detects
whether the DSL signal is on line 1 or line 2.
Protocol G.dmt, G.lite, or ANSI (T1.413).
DSL Channel Fast or Interleaved.
DSLAM DSLAM vendor identification. For G.dmt or G.lite protocol,
values are Country, Vendor, and Specific. For ANSI (T1.413)
protocol, values are ID, Rev (Revision), and Std (Standard).
ATM Encapsulation LLC or VCMux.
ISP Details
Connection Type The method by which the 2Wire gateway connects to the ISP:
Direct_IP, PPPoA, or PPPoE. For the HomePortal 1000, direct
uses an RFC2684 (formerly RFC 1483) bridged Ethernet
connection without FCS (PID=0x00-07) format.
User Name The 2Wire gateway user name.
PPPoE Access Concentrator This field is present only when the connection type is PPPoE.
PPPoE Service The type of PPPoE services being used. This field is present
only when the connection type is PPPoE.
IP Address Range The broadband address of the 2Wire gateway.
Subnet Mask The subnet mask to be used by the 2Wire gateway on the
broadband link.
Gateway The IP address of the default gateway (default router) that
the 2Wire gateway connects to on the broadband link.
Item Description