
4.09 Release the handles. Clean the stripped fibers with alcohol and a
lint free cloth. Inspect for broken fibers. Repeat steps 4.05
through 4.09 if necessary.
Note: Reagent grade isopropyl alcohol and lint free wipes are
required. Carefully follow safety, health and disposal
information on label or Material Safety Data Sheet for
isopropyl alcohol being used.
4.10 Clean the stripper before stripping the next ribbon. Slide the
heating unit backwards about 1" (25 mm), or remove it from the
handle. Clean the channel with the loop end of the cleaning tool.
Note: Be gentle when cleaning the coating residue from the
channel or the heating unit may become damaged. Do not
press the loop hard against the channel walls. It is not
necessary for the channel to be completely clean.
Clean the stripper blades with the brush end of the cleaning tool.
5.02 Remove the cover of the ribbon holder by squeezing the center
tabs and lifting the clear outer tabs.
5.0 Ribbon Holder Preparation
5.01 Select the proper size ribbon holder from the chart below.
3M Part # Application Color
2653 12 fiber ASR White
2654 12 fiber bonded or ribbonized Light Yellow
2656 10 fiber bonded or ribbonized Light Gray
2658 8 fiber bonded or ribbonized Light Blue
2659 8 fiber encapsulated Dark Blue
2660 6 fiber bonded or ribbonized Light Green
2664 4 fiber bonded or ribbonized Light Red (Pink)
2665 4 fiber encapsulated Dark Red