Installation and Set-Up (Continued)
11. Box size capacity (height) – at its factory setting, the case sealer handles box sizes up to 620 mm
[24-1/2 inches] maximum height. If larger capacity is needed, the machine can be adjusted to accommodate
up to 725 mm [28-1/2 inches] high boxes. Refer to "Special Set-Up Procedure – Outer Column
Re-Positioning", page 35 for set-up information.
12. Drive Belt Height – drive belt assemblies can be raised 50 mm [2 inches] to provide better conveying of tall
boxes. Refer to "Special Set-Up Procedure – Changing Drive Belt Height", page 33.
13. Pneumatic connection.
The case sealer requires a 6.5 bar gauge pressure [95 PSIG] 75 liter/min @21°C, 1.01 bar [2.5 SCFM]
compressed air supply. As shown in Figure 2-3 an on/off valve, pressure regulator, and filter are
provided to service the air supply.
The main air supply line should be connected to the on/off valve by means of the barbed fitting and hose
clamp provided on the outer side of the on/off valve as shown in Figure 2-3. The customer supplied air
hose (5/16 inch [8 mm] ID) should be slipped over the barbed fitting and clamped tightly in place.
If another type of connector is desired, the fitting can be removed and replaced with the desired 1/4-18
NPT threaded connector.
Always turn the valve "Off" when air supply line is being connected or disconnected.
Figure 2-3 – Pneumatic Connection
Initial Start-Up of Case Sealer
After completing the "Set-Up" procedure, continue
through ""Operation", pages 15-24 to be sure case
sealer is properly adjusted to run product.
Note – Machines outside the U.S. may be
equipped with 220/240 Volt, 50 Hz systems, or
other electrical requirements compatible with
local practice.
14. Electrical connection and controls – the
electrical control box shown in Figure 3-1,
contains the "On/Off" switch with pre-set
breaker and can be located on either side of the
machine frame for operator convenience. A
standard three conductor power cord with plug
is provided at the back of the electrical control
box for 115 Volt, 60 Hz, 3.8 Amp electrical
service. The receptacle providing this service
shall be properly grounded. Before the power
cord is plugged into 115 Volt, 60 Hz outlet,
make sure red "Off" button is depressed and
that all packaging materials and tools are
removed from the machine. Do not plug
electrical cord into outlet until ready to run