Displayed Items
Displayed Items
For the QUESTemp° 44/46, the number in the upper right corner indicates which sensor
bar’s data is displayed.
• “1”indicates the sensor bar placed on (or attached to) the top of the
instrument. Sensors
2 and 3 are labeled on the side of the unit as “Sensor 2”,
and “Sensor 3”.
• “W” indicates the weighted average which only appears if a WBGT is
displayed and all three sensor bars are attached. An asterisk in the lower right
corner indicates that the unit is in the run mode and is logging data.
The following measurements can be accessed on the display:
Screen 1: WET (Wet bulb)
DRY (Dry bulb)
Figure 1-9 Wet and Dry screen
Screen 2: GLOBE
Figure 1-10: Globe screen
Screen 3: WBGTi (Indoors)
WBGTo (Outdoors)
Figure 1-11: WBGTi & WBGTo screen
Screen 4: RH (Relative Humidity)
H.I. or HU
(Heat Index or Humidex)
Figure 1-12: RH and H.I/HU screen
Screen 5: Air Flow (QTº46 only)
(If turned ON via setup)
Figure 1-13: Air Flow screen on QTº46
DRY 92.2