7. Dispose of used product in accordance with applicable regulations.
Use Limitations
1. This respirator does not supply oxygen. Do not use in atmospheres containing less than
19.5% oxygen.
2. Do not use when concentrations of contaminants are immediately dangerous to life and health, are
unknown or when concentrations exceed 10 times the permissible exposure limit (PEL) or according
to specific OSHA standards or applicable government regulations, whichever is lower.
3. Do not alter, abuse or misuse this respirator.
4. Do not use with beards or other facial hair or other conditions that prevent a good seal between the
face and the sealing surface of the respirator.
5. Respirators can help protect your lungs against certain airborne contaminants, however, they will not
prevent entry through other routes such as the skin, which would require additional personal
protective equipment (PPE).
6. This respirator is designed for occupational/professional use by adults who are properly trained in
their use and limitations. Respirators are not designed to be used by children.
7. Individuals with a compromised respiratory system, such as asthma or emphysema, should consult a
physician and complete a medical evaluation prior to use.
Time Use Limitation
If respirator becomes damaged, soiled, or breathing becomes difficult, leave the contaminated area
immediately and replace the respirator.
Fitting Instructions
Must be followed each time respirator is worn.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3