
3M™ Dynatel™ Advanced Modular System 965AMS Specifications
Electrical Specifications
Functions Range Resolution Accuracy
Caller ID (U.S. and
Canada only)
Carrier level
Date, time,
number, name
-4 to –32 dBm
1 dBm ±2 dBm
Short range wideband specifications (without SA option)
Wideband loss
100, 135 Ω Zin
Wideband tone
output–100,135 Ω Zout
-50 to +2 dBm,
20 kHz to 1.2 MHz
0 dBm, 20 k to 2.2 MHz
0.1 dB, 100 Hz
1 kHz
±2 dB, 1% Hz
±+1 dB
SA wideband specifications (with SA option)
Wideband loss
100, 135 Ω Zin
-85 to +5 dBm,
20 kHz to 2.2 MHz
0.1 dB, 100 Hz ±1 dB, 1% Hz
Wideband noise metallic
100, 135 Ω Zin
E, F, G & G2 filters
E filter 10-90 dBm
F filter 20-90 dBm
G filter 30-90 dBm
1 dB
1 dB
1 dB
±2 dB
±2 dB
±2 dB
Wideband spectral analysis
100, 135 Ω Zin
Dynamic range
Wideband tone output
–100,135 Ω Zout
10 kHz to 2.2 MHz
–90 dBm to +10 dBm
0 dBm, 20 kHz to
2.2 MHz
0.5% of span
1 dB
1 kHz
±1 dB
±0.1% frequency
±0.5 kHz
Impulse noise counting
E, F, G & G2 filters
Counting interval 1-60 minutes 1 minute ±5%
Threshold Lower limits: 30 dBrnC
& E
40 dBrnF
50 dBrnG
100 dBrn upper limit
All 30 dB higher for N to
1 dB ±1 dB (typical)
Count capacity 9999 1
C, E, F, G, G2
and Psophometric
for OUS
E filter
F filter
G filter
G2 filter
300 Hz – 3400 Hz
1 kHz – 50 kHz
4.9 kHz – 245 kHz
20 kHz – 1.1 MHz – 3 dB points
20 kHz – 2.2 MHz
Stored results
(All Results)
100 results total of all
types maximum