43 Chapter 2
PnP/PCI Configuration
Parameter Description Options
Init Display First Initialize the AGP video display
before initializing any other
display device on the system.
Thus the AGP display becomes
the primary display.
Reset Configuration Data Normally, you leave this field
Disabled. Select Enabled to
reset Extended System
Configuration Data (ESCD)
when you exit Setup if you have
installed a new add-on and the
system reconfiguration has
caused such a serious conflict
that the operating system
cannot boot.
Resources Controlled By This item allows user to assign
PnP resource (I/O address,
IRQ&DMA channels) for Plug
and Play compatible devices
automatically or manually.
Init Display First [PCIEx]
Reset Configuration Data [Disabled]
Resources Controlled By [Auto(ESCD0]
x IRQ Resources
Press Enter
Pci/VGA Palette Snoop [Disabled]
** PCI Express relative items **
Maximum Payload Size
F5:Previous Values F7:Optimized Defaults
:Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
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PNP/PCI Configurations
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