Chapter 2 47
Power Management Setup
The Power Management menu lets you configure your system to most effectively save energy while operating
in a manner consistent with your own style of computer use.
Parameter Description Options
PCI Express PM Function This item is for PCI Express power management
ACPI Function This item allows you to enable or disable the ACPI
ACPI Suspend Type This item specifies the power saving modes for ACPI
function. S1(POS): The S1 sleep mode is a low power
state. In this state, no system context (CPU or chipset)
is lost and hardware maintains all system context. S3
(STR): The S3 sleep mode is s power-down state in
which power is supplied only to essential components
such as main memory and wake-capable devices and
all system context is saved to main memory. The
information stored in memory will be used to restore
the PC to the previous state when an wake-up event
S1 (POS) : Set ACPI suspend
type to S1/POS(Power On
S3 (STR) : Set ACPI suspend
type to S3/STR
This item determines whether or not to enable the
system to run VGA BIOS when resuming from S3 (S4).
Auto, Yes, No
Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN This item specifies how long you must press and hold
down the power button before the system is shut down.
Instant-off: Turns off the system instantly.
Delay 4 Sec.: Turns off the system after a 4-second
Delay 4 Sec.
PWRON After PWR-Fail This item allows you to select if you want to power on
the system after power failure.
Off, On and Former-Sts
Wake-Up by PCI Card This items determines whether or not to wake up the
system by PCI card.
Enabled, Disabled
X PCI Express PM Function
[Press Enter]
ACPI Function [Enabled]
ACPI Suspend Type [S3(STR)]
Run VGABIOS if S3 Resume [Auto]
Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN [Instant-Off]
PWRON After PWR-Fail [Former-Sts]
Wake-Up by PCI Card [Disabled]
Power on by Ring [Disabled]
USB KB WakeUp From S3(S4) [Enabled]
Resume by Alarm [Disabled]
x Date(of Month) Alarm 0
x Time(hh:mm:ss) Alarm 0 : 0 : 0
F5:Previous Values F7:Default Settings
KLIJ :Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD :Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
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