LAN Configuration 117
System Acoustic and Performance Configuration 119
Security menu 120
Server Management menu 123
Console Redirection 125
System Information 127
Intel Remote Management Module Information 128
Boot Options menu 129
Boot Manager menu 130
Error Manager menu 131
Exit menu 132
Upgrading the BIOS 134
5 System troubleshooting 135
Troubleshooting 137
Resetting the system 137
Problems following initial system installation 137
First steps checklist 138
Hardware diagnostic testing 139
Verifying proper operation of key system lights 139
Specific problems and corrective actions 140
Appendix A: Rack mount configuration 149
Rack installation information 151
Rack mount configuration 153
Vertical mounting hole pattern 154
Installing the system into the rack 155
Appendix B: Memory configuration 163
Introduction 165
Memory board installation order 166
FBDIMM module population order 167
Memory configuration 171
Dual-channel mode 171
Single-channel mode 172
Memory sparing mode 173
Memory mirroring mode 175
Appendix C: SAS and SAS RAID
configuration utilities 177
Overview 179