30 Chapter 2
T Boot Up NumLock Status (On): This item defines if the keyboard NumLock key is active when
your system is started.
T Gate A20 Option (Fast): This item defined how the system handles legacy software that was
written for an earlier generation of processors. Leave this item at the default value.
T Typematic Rate Setting (Disabled): If this item is enabled, you can use the following two items to
set the typematic rate and the typematic delay settings for your keyboard.
T Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec): Use this item to define how many characters per second are
generated by held-down key.
T Typematic Delay (Msec): Use this item to define how many milliseconds must elapse before
a held-down key begins generating repeat characters.
T Security Option (Setup): If you have installed password protection, this item defines if the
password is required at system start up, or if it is only required when a user tries to enter the Setup
T APIC Mode (Enable): This item allows you to enable or disable the APIC (Advanced
Programmable Interrupt Controller) mode. APIC provides symmetric multi-processing (SMP) for
systems, allowing support for up to 60 processors.
T MPS Version Control For OS (1.4): This item displays MPS version control for OS.
T OS Select For DRAM > 64MB (Non-OS2): This item is only required if you have installed more
than 64MB of memory and you are running the OS/2 operating system. Otherwise, leave this item
at the default.
T HDD S.M.A.R.T Capability (Disabled): When you enable HDD SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis
and Reporting Technology) Capability, these new BIOSes will automatically check the hard disk’s
SMART status at boot-up.
T Report No FDD For WIN 95 (Disabled): Set this item to the default if you are running a system
with no floppy drive and using Windows 95. This ensures compatibility with the Window 95 logo
T Silent Boot (Enabled): If enabled, BIOS will show a full screen logo at boot. If disabled, BIOS will
set the initial display mode to BIOS and show the diagnostic POST screen at boot.
T Small Logo (EPA) Show (Disabled): This item enabled or disables the display of the EPA logo
during boot.
T Configuration Table (Disabled): Use this item to show summary screen.