14628 Central Blvd,
Chino, CA91710
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
17” industrial Core 2 Duo Panel PC
4-6 Integrated Peripherals
Choose ”INTEGRATED PERIPHERALS” from the main setup menu, a display will be shown on
screen as below:
Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility Integrated Peripherals
Integrated Peripherals Setup Screen
By moving the cursor to the desired selection and by pressing the <F1> key, the all options for the
desired selection will be displayed for choice.
If bios setup menu item supports USB device boot, it will cause Win9x detects the same storages
twice when the system is rebooted, and USB HDD will fail. Note: this cause just happen under Win9x,
the phenomenon is a limitation.
The options for these items are found in its sub menu. By pressing the <ENTER> key, you are prompt
to enter the sub menu of the detailed options as shown below: