14628 Central Blvd,
Chino, CA91710
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2011 Acnodes, Inc.
All rights reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subject to change without notice. For latest product information,
please visit Acnodes’ web site at www.acnodes.com.
PCH 5120
12.1” industrial Panel PC
IP67 rated fully enclosure
PATA Only Only the IDE drives are enabled. SATA drives are disabled
ƒ Configure SATA as [IDE]
Use the Configure SATA as option to configure SATA devices as normal IDE devices.
IDE DEFAULT Configures SATA devices as normal IDE device.
RAID Used when a RAID setup is installed
AHCI Enables advanced SATA drive features IDE Master, IDE Slave
Use the IDE Master and IDE Slave configuration menu to view both primary and secondary IDE
device details and configure the IDE devices connected to the system.
ƒ Auto-Detected Drive Parameters
The "grayed-out" items in the left frame are IDE disk drive parameters automatically detected from the
firmware of the selected IDE disk drive. The drive parameters are listed as follows:
ƒ Device: Lists the device type (e.g. hard disk, CD-ROM etc.)