14628 Central Blvd,
Chino, CA91710
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2011 Acnodes, Inc.
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RMC 7130
1U Rackmount System
SMBus to PCI Slots
Jumpers JI2C1 and JI2C2 allow you to connect the
System Management Bus (I2C) to the PCI slot. The
default set- ting is Open (Disabled.) Both jumpers must
be set to the same setting (JI2C1 controls the clock
and JI2C2 controls the data). See the table on the right
for jumper settings.
BMC Enable/Disable
The JBMC1 jumper allows the user to enable or
disable the BMC (Base- board Management Control)
chip and the onboard IPMI connections. This jumper
is to be used together with the IPMI settings in the
BIOS. If this jumper is set to enabled, please also
enable IPMI in the BIOS and vice versa. The default
position is on pins 1 and 2 to enable BMC. See the
table on the right for jumper settings.
SAS Enable/Disable (X8STi only)
JPS1 allows you to enable or disable the SAS control-
ler. The default posi- tion is on pins 1 and 2 to enable
SAS. See the table on the right for jumper settings.
SAS RAID Mode Select (X8STi only)
JPS2 allows you to select the SAS RAID mode, either
Software RAID or IT Mode. Close this jumper to use
Software RAID (the default setting). Set this jumper to
open to use the IT Mode.