Adapter Command
A command transmitted to the host adapter using the Command
Data Out Port and the Data In Port. The commands are
sequenced using the Control Port, the Status Port, and the Inter-
rupt Flag Port. Abbreviated as IOCP command.
See Asynchronous Event Notification
Adaptec host adapter for connecting SCSI devices to the PC-AT
backplane bus. The AHA-1740A/42A/44 is an enhanced version of
the AHA-1540.
The enhanced high-performance Adaptec host adapter for connect-
ing SCSI devices to the PC-AT backplane bus.
The enhanced high-performance Adaptec host adapter for connect-
ing SCSI devices and standard IBM-compatible floppy disk
devices to the PC-AT backplane bus.
Either the AHA-1740A, 1742A or the AHA-1744.
Advanced SCSI Programming Interface. A software architecture
which permits device modules to migrate across different hard-
ware by communicating with the hardware through a pass-
through interface to a manager written to the specific hardware.
Asynchronous Data Transfer
Data transfer performed by the SCSI interface involving the inter-
locking of a signal to the initiator (REQ) and a signal to the target
(ACK) such that each step of the data transfer protocol must
occur before the next step can begin. Characterized by a low data