Adaptec SCSI RAID 2120S/2200S Software User’s Guide
enclosure show temperature [{enclosure}]
Displays temperature status of a specific enclosure.
{enclosure}—ID associated with the enclosure
management device for which to temperature status.
{slot}—Unit number associated with the temperature
sensor whose status to display.
Using Automated Command Scripts
To execute a CLI command script, type the @ (at sign) followed by
the file name that contains the CLI commands, for example:
In its simplest form, a CLI command script is a text file that
contains valid CLI commands. A carriage return linefeed follows
each command. The following
CLI command script:
1 Opens controller AAC0 by invoking the CLI command open.
2 Invokes controller details.
3 Closes controller AAC0 by invoking the CLI command close.
4 Exits the example CLI command script.
open AAC0
controller details
close AAC0
UG.book Page 44 Saturday, October 26, 2002 12:08 PM