Using the Command Line Interface
■ From the UNIX/Linux prompt
To access the CLI from the UNIX/Linux prompt, display a
window and type aaccli in any directory. When the system
displays the CLI> prompt, you can use CLI commands. For the
commands to work in any directory, the path in the startup file
(.login or .cshrc) must include the directory where the
software is installed. See your UNIX/Linux documentation for
information on setting up directory paths in the .login and
.cshrc files.
For a complete discussion of terminology, see the Glossary in this
guide. Table 4-1 lists and defines some terms used in this chapter
and is presented here for your ease-of-use:
Table 4-1 Terminology Chart
Term Preferred Term Definition
container array A logical disk created from
available space and made up of one
or more segments on one or more
physical disks.
chunk stripe Contiguous set of data written to
one segment before the controller
moves to the next segment.
freespace available space Space on an initialized disk that is
not in use.
partition segment Contiguous area of a physical drive
that makes up some or all of an
failover disk hot spare Drive available to replace a failed
component in an array.
UG.book Page 3 Saturday, October 26, 2002 12:08 PM