AMM-1570/1572 User’s Guide
AMM-1570/1572 User’s Guide
Stock Number: 510526-00, Rev. B Page: 3-10
Print Spec Number: 492379-00
Current Date: 3/7/94 ECN Date: 3/8/94
cable is attached to the internal 50-pin SCSI connector on the host
adapter, and the internal SCSI devices are attached to the remaining
connectors. Up to seven internal SCSI devices can be connected to
the 50-pin internal SCSI connector.
Note: Refer to the SCSI device documentation for
instructions on mounting internal SCSI devices inside
your computer chassis.
To connect internal SCSI devices:
1 Connect one end of the 50-pin SCSI ribbon cable to the 50-pin
internal SCSI connector on the host adapter.
Note: When cabling the 50-pin internal SCSI ribbon
cable to both the host adapter and internal SCSI
device(s), make sure that Pin 1 orientation is main-
tained throughout the bus. Pin 1 of the SCSI ribbon
cable is designated by a colored stripe on one edge
of the ribbon cable. Pin 1 of the host adapter or
SCSI device connector is usually designated by an
arrow or delta symbol (▲) on the connector.
Figure 3-6. 50-pin SCSI Ribbon Cable to Host Adapter
50-pin SCSI
Ribbon Cable
Pin 1
Internal SCSI