Understanding SCSI
Connector Types
Several different types of SCSI connectors are used on SCSI devices,
and each type requires a different kind of cable. The following
diagrams illustrate the different kinds of SCSI connectors:
If you have a SCSI device with a DB25 pin or low density 50-pin
(SCSI-2) connection, you can order converters from Adaptec's web
SCSI-2 High-density 50-pin Connector
Standard MiniSCSI 1350 Connector for SCSI Perirpherals
Typically used with high-performance CD-ROM drives, hard disk drives, Jaz drives, and Plug
and Play devices.
DB25 Connector
Used with Iomega ZIP drives, Syquest EZFlyer, etc.
SCSI-1, Low-density Centronics 50-pin Connector
Used with many CD-ROM drives, hard disk drives, SCSI tape drives, and scanners