Glossary ● 89
Background initialization of a redundant array. The array is accessible throughout. RAID 1 copies the
contents of the primary drive to a secondary drive. See clear.
See channel.
Fast-access memory on the controller that serves as intermediate storage for data that is read from, or
written to, drives.
Total usable space available in megabytes or gigabytes.
Any path, or bus, used for the transfer of data and the control of information between storage devices and a
RAID controller. For SATA channels, each channel has a single drive capacity.
check point
A feature that enables you to exit the ACU when an operation is in progress and be able to continue without
interruption. The driver then resumes the operation from where the BIOS left off and the BIOS resumes the
operation where the driver left off.
See stripe.
Foreground initialization of a fault-tolerant array. A clear operation zeros all blocks of the array. The array
is not accessible until the clear task is complete.
Joining of physical or logical drives in sequential order.
Process of preparing a disk for use by the controller. When a disk is configured, the controller records the
RAID signature on the disk.
configured array
An array that is ready for data reads and writes. Arrays can be configured by build or clear.
consistency check command
Command that reads all the blocks of a RAID 1 to determine if the blocks are consistent. Any inconsistent
blocks are fixed.
dead partition
See failed.
A redundant (for example, a RAID 1) array in which one or more members have failed. The data is intact
but redundancy has been compromised. Any further failure would cause the array to fail and result in data
Physical disk drive. Randomly accessible, rewriteable data storage device. Also called hard disk.