16 PCM-3420 User's Manual
R1 Enable/Disable greater than 1 GB Translation
> 1 Gbyte Translation On = Open
> 1 Gbyte Translation Off* = Close
(* means default setting)
Jumper Block JP7 :
If JP10 BIOS setting is enabled , you should use this jumper to assign
a Port address.
Port 340h * = 2-3 Close
Port 140h = 1-2 Close
(* means default setting)
Notes : The PCM-3420 host adapter BIOS supports
booting only for the default port address of 340h.
Jumper Block JP8 & JP9 :
If JP10 BIOS setting is enabled , you should use these jumper to
assign a BIOS address.
JP9 JP8 BIOS Address
Open Open C8000h - CBFFFh
Open Close CC000h - CFFFFh *
Close Open D8000h - DBFFFh
Close Close DC000h - DFFFFh
(* means default setting)
Jumper Block JP10 :
This jumper is used to enable/disable host adapter BIOS . If the host