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Operation of the Lift with Beech 1900 and Fairchild Metroliner
Operators using either of these aircraft must note the following special instructions for these difficult-to-
access planes. In both cases, an experienced spotter must
be positioned at the propeller to protect it,
because of the proximity of the spinner tip to the airplane door.
Beech 1900
1. The Mobilift should be moved towards the aircraft in line with the door, and stopped when lift post
A is 10 to 12 inches away from the spinner tip.
2. Spinner must not project inside of a line drawn from lift post A to lift post B. (If it does, it could be
damaged by the handrail as the lift is raised.) See drawing below.
3. The bridge ramp will extend to cover the distance to the sill. When deploying the bridge ramp,
bring it in above the support arms for the door cables until it sufficiently overlaps the sill and then
lower it down. The spotter must watch ramp, spinner and air stair cables during this process. The
cables may be need to be held apart to allow the ramp to pass. Reverse this step by raising the ramp
up clear of the support arms before retracting it.