d. My computer gets a keyboard error while booting up.
Possible Cause Possible Solution
The scanner is damaged or is no
longer functioning.
Disconnect the scanner from your
computer and use your keyboard only.
Reboot your computer. If your
computer still gets a keyboard error,
then the problem may not be the
scanner. Call technical support for
e. Problem: Light comes on, but symbol does not decode.
Possible Cause Possible Solution
Scanner is not programmed for the
correct bar-code type.
Please refer User’s Guide and be sure
to select the correct interface selection
and ensure that the scanner is
programmed to read the type of
barcode you are scanning.
Barcode symbol is unreadable. Check the symbol to make sure it is
not de-faced. Try scanning test
symbols of the same barcode type.
Distance between scanner and
barcode is incorrect.
Move the scanner closer to or further
from the barcode.