18 Installing StorNext Software
8 Type 2 or press ENTER to install the StorNext software.
• If you have set up your database and database journal to install on the same file system, the
following warning is shown:
•Select quit, no, or yes.
• If you select quit, you will exit the StorNext Installation
• If you select no, you will return to the StorNext Configuration Menu (Figure 2
page 17)
• If you select yes, you will proceed with the StorNext Install
• If you have set up your database and database journal to install on the separate file systems,
the StorNext Status Install Menu (Figure 3
on page 19) is shown and lists fourteen steps of
component-level status. As the installation progresses, the status menu updates and shows
steps as Complete.
Stornext INSTALL 2.8.0 MAIN MENU
1) Installation Configuration
2) Install stornext
3) Show Status
4) Quit
Enter your choice <2>:
The /home/adic/database and /home/adic/database_jnl are
defined to be on the same file system. It is recommended that
they reside on different file systems. To change the values,
answer 'No' to return to the configuration menu.
Database journal directory => /home/adic/database_jnl
Dbm installation directory => /home/adic/database
Do you wish to keep these settings (quit, no or <yes>)?