Installing StorNext FS on UNIX 3-13
Step 3 Choose the platform that corresponds to the client machine operating system and click
Step 4 Continue through the Download Client Software wizard until you have completed
downloading the software for the platform you selected.
Step 5 Go to the Installing Client Software section of this document for instructions on installing
the software for your operating system.
Use the following procedure to download client software if you do not have Web browser access.
Step 1 ftp <StorNext FS server>
Step 2 ftp> cd /<usr>/cvfs/CLIENTS
Step 3 ftp> bin
Step 4 ftp> get <platform.tar>
Step 5 Go to the section that follows for instructions on installing the software for your operating
The SNFS client software communicates with your server and allows the mounting of one or more
StorNext File Systems. Once you have downloaded the SNMS client software from the server, you
can install the software on your client machines. You cannot perform these installations through the
GUI; you must use command-driven procedures that are specific for your operating system.
The following procedures provide instructions for installing the StorNext FS client software in a
Windows, SGI IRIX, Sun Solaris, Linux, or IBM AIX operating system.
Using FTP
Installing Client Software
If you used the optional pre-installation configuration, you must first perform the
steps for adding a user account and a group account on each machine that you set
up as a client. (Refer to the Using the Optional Pre-Installation Configuration
section in this document to perform these steps.)