
March 31, 1999
2.4.4 Storage cells
The AML/J system contains compartments (storage cells) in linear racks
(stationary storage segments (Figure 2-3:). Table 2-1: Coordinates of
the storage cells on page 2-5 contains the coordinates of the storage cells.
Figure 2-3: Example of storage cells
The module number corresponds to the number of the segment whereby
the assignment of the module numbers to the segment can be determined
by the user at start-up and the segment is always 01. The rows are
counted from below to above and the compartments from the left to the
right. Optical disks occupy two compartments in the database.
Table 2-1: Coordinates of the storage cells
L3 - LD 01 - 99 01 01 - 99 01 - 99
Type Module Segment Row Compart-