Chapter 6. Configuration
ISU 2x64 Dual Port ISDN Service Unit User Manual 61200051L1-1D
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
The ISU 2x64 can be configured for PPP from the protocol options
of the configuration menu by selecting 1=PPP or by setting S-reg-
ister S27 to a value of 0. The menu path is shown in Figure 6-23.
Multilink PPP
The ISU 2x64 can be configured for multilink PPP from the proto-
col options of the configuration menu by selecting 2= Multilink
PPP or by setting S-register S27 to a value of 1. (See Figure 6-23.)
In this mode, the ISU 2x64 dials a second number to establish a
second point-to-point link. Once the second PPP is established,
multilink PPP is performed over both B-channels.
The phone number for the second call should be placed in stored
number 1 (SN1). If no number is stored in SN1, the same phone
number is dialed to establish the second link.
PPP with Compression
The ISU 2x64 can be configured for PPP with compression from
the protocol options of the configuration menu by selecting
3=PPP w/Comp or by setting S-register S27 to a value of 2. The
menu path is shown in Figure 6-23.