168 Express XL/XLT User Manual 61200.070L1-1
switch protocol 37
system contact 35
system info menu 34
system location 34
system mame 34
system uptime 35
telephone connection 22
Telnet 20, 83
Telnet client 104
Telnet/server access 83
Telnet/user list 84
terminal menu
structure 27
top level 28
terminal mode 87
terminal mode commands 145
test indicators 17
test menu 29, 98
test menu/dial self 98
test menu/echo request 98
echo request
ping 17
pushbutton 17
TFTP 104
TFTP host 104
transfer methods 104
Trap 140
traps 141
traps/manager IP 86
traps/manager name 86
troubleshooting 107
calls 113
if self test fails 107
if the Express XL/XLT does not read
if you are unable to connect calls 113
Tx and Rx 43
Tx methods 65
Tx only 43
type 20 packets 71
UDP port type 45
UDP relay 45
UDP relay list 45
UDP relay list/relay address 45
UDP relay list/UDP port type 45
UDP relay list/UDP ports 1, 2, 3 45
UDP relay/mode 45
UDP relay/UDP relay list 45
upgrade menu 104
upgrade/abort transfer 105
upgrade/filename 104
upgrade/start transfer 105
upgrade/status 104
upgrade/TFTP host 104
upgrade/TFTP server 105
upgrade/transfer method 104
user list 84
user list/authen method 84
user list/idle time 84
user list/level 84
user list/name 84
user list/password 84
using keyboard to navigate menu 31
utilities menu 29, 103
utilities/exit 105
utilities/ping 103
utilities/Telnet client 104
utilities/upgrade menu 104
VJ compression 74