102 IQ Probe User Manual 61200214L1-1
Chapter 11. Testing
View Test
Displays the Test Statistics menu shown in Figure 11-4. Descrip-
tions of each field in the Test Statistics menu follow:
PVC Active/Inactive/Undefined
Displays current state of the selected PVC as determined by the
switch (only available in the terminal menu).
• Active: The PVC is currently operational.
• Inactive: There is currently a physical or frame relay layer
problem at the remote end of the PVC, or a problem exists
inside the frame relay cloud for the selected PVC.
• Undefined: The PVC is undefined for the switch.
Test Active/No Test Active
Displays current testing state of the IQ Probe (only available in
the terminal menu).
Frames Rx
Number of frames received on the selected PVC during the
current loopback test.
Frames Tx
Number of frames transmitted across the selected PVC during
the current loopback test.
Lost Frames
Number of frames lost in the receiving direction (traveling from
the remote IQ device to the local IQ Probe).
Remote Lost Frames
Number of frames lost in the transmitting direction (traveling
from the local IQ Probe to the remote IQ device).
Minimum Loop Response Time (MIN RESP TIME)
Minimum round-trip time (in seconds) for the current test.
Maximum Loop Response Time (MAX RESP TIME)
Maximum round-trip time (in seconds) for the current test.