Appendix B, SCA File Format - SCA Format
61179605L5-5B B-5
7 Annex 0 = A
1 = B
2 = A/B
8 LineProbing 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled Current Condition
2 = Enabled Worst Case
9 Repeater Mode 0 = Terminator
1 = Repeater
A M-pair Mode 0 = 2-wire
1 = 4-wire
2 = Mpair
B Number of Pairs (Mpair mode
2 pairs ONLY
C Valid Data Slots (Mpair mode
Bit-wise representation of the ports to be physically
bit 0 - pair 1
bit 1 - pair 2
bit 2 - pair 3 (NOT VALID)
bit 3 - pair 4 (NOT VALID)
D Min Line Rate N = 3 to 36, where rate = N × 64k + 8k
E Max Line Rate N = 3 to 36, where rate = N × 64k + 8k
F Current Line Rate N = 3 to 36, where rate = N × 64k + 8k
10 Min Sub Rate N = 0 to 7, where rate = Line Rate + (N × 8k)
11 Max Sub Rate N = 0 to 7, where rate = Line Rate + (N × 8k)
12 PMMS Margin CC –10dB to 20dB
13 PMMS Margin WC –10dB to 20dB
14 Clock Mode 0 = Plesio
1 = Plesio w/Reference
2 = Sync
3 = Sync Hybrid
15 Framing Mode 0 = Frame Plesio
1 = Frame Sync
2 = Frame Transparent
16 F-bit notifications bit 3 = segment defect: 1 = normal, 0 = segd alarm
bit 2 = power status: 1 = normal, 0 = rem loss of power
bit 1 = segment anomaly: 1 = normal, 0 = sega alarm
bit 0 = loss of signal: 1 = normal, 0 = loss of signal
Table B-5. LocSTULineProvisioning (Continued)
Column Option Values