Total Access 3000/3010 NTU-8 Single Fiber Quad E1 Installation and Maintenance Practice
6 61182301E1-5A
The NTU-8F is automatically configured to match the LTU-8 settings and does not require local
provisioning. Provisioning for the LTU-8 is via the Total Access 3000/3010 System Controller
Unit (SCU). The SCU initiates and controls the transfer of commands and data to and from the
LTU-8. The LTU-8 generates all menu items for both the LTU-8 and the NTU-8F. The LTU-8
retains provisioning data in a nonvolatile memory device in the event of power loss.
Viewing of all provisionable settings, status, and Performance Monitoring menus are supported
from the NTU-8F local craft port, labeled
CRAFT, but changes cannot be made. The craft port is
a DB-9 connector that supplies an RS-232 interface for connection to a controlling terminal.
The supported terminal type is VT100 or compatible and is set for the following:
• 38400 bps
• 8-data bits
•no parity
• no flow control
•1-stop bit
Y-Modem flash upgrade is password protected from the NTU-8F. The default password is
“password,” which can be changed from the NTU-8F.
Provisioning Defaults
On initial installation, the NTU-8F is set to factory default provisioning options. Table 4 list
available options, with the default settings shown in bold type.
Table 4. Provisioning Defaults
NTU-8F Settings Defaults
Card Service State In Service;
Out of Service-Maintenance;
Out of Service Unassigned
Out of Service-Maintenance
NTU Push Buttons Disabled;
External Alarms Disabled;
Change NTU Firmware
Upgrade Password
password password
Port Service State In Service;
Out of Service-Maintenance;
Out of Service-Unassigned
Out of Service-Maintenance
E1 Frame Format FAS;
E1 Data Rate 0h - FFh FFh
Timeslot Idle Pattern 00h - FFh FFh