Chapter 4. Status Menu
61200420L1-1 ESU 120e User Manual 4-5
Port Status
Port Status displays the signals monitored on the data ports. For
example, the Nx56/64 interface monitors the RTS, CTS, RD, and
RD, along with other signal lines. When a port is selected, the LCD
indicates if the signal is present.
The base Nx interface offers the status screen listed in this section.
When using other option cards, refer to the appropriate User’s
Manual for a definition of any status screens offered.
The Port Status of Nx56/64 is examined as an example of how to
use this item.
0.1 Nx56/ 64 Menu Items
An asterisk (*) indicates an active status of the following lines.
DTE Status
An asterisk (*) indicates an active status of the following lines:
Port Rate
The Port Rate displays the current setting of the Nx port. Continue
with standard operating procedures to exit the display.
TXD Transmit data from the DTE
RXD Receive data toward the DTE
ETC External Transmit Clock from DTE
LCK Lock Status of the phase locked loop
RTS Request to send from DTE
CTS Clear to send to DTE
DCD Data carrier detect to DTE
DSR Data set ready to DTE