Chapter 3: Terminal Menu Operation and Structure
76 Express XL/XLT User Manual 61200070L1-1
calls. The audio option is used with an ISDN line configured for
voice service. In some areas, audio service costs less than data
services. An audio call type does guarantee a digital end-to-end
digital connection.
56K - 56K directs the call control software to request a 64 kbps
data circuit that is rate-adapted to 56 kbps. Data 56 kbps is
intended for use in circumstances where interoperability with
Switched 56 service is desired.
64K (def) - The default call type for ISDN service is Data 64 kbps.
This directs the call control software to request an unrestricted
64 kbps circuit.
Dial Out/Redial at 56K
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
Selecting Yes (def) causes the Express XL/XLT to re-dial a call at the 56K call
type if a 64K call type was unsuccessful. This will not occur if set to No or if
the original call type was other than 64K.
Dial Out/Delay
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
This is the number of seconds between unsuccessful call attempts made dur-
ing dial-on-demand or during dynamic bandwidth. The range is between 0
and 255, with a default of 15 seconds.
Dial Out/Connection Timeout
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
This is the amount of time the Express XL/XLT waits for a call to be answered
before giving up the attempt. Possible values are 15 secs (def), 30 secs, 1 min,
2 mins and 4 mins.
Dial Out/Attempts
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
This value is the number of attempts the Express XL/XLT will make before
giving up on the connection. This is effective for manual dialing or dynamic
bandwidth calls only. The range is from 1 (def) to 255.